
if you give a marz a parrot...

marz: if i had a bird i wouldn't cut its wings off. that's mean.
me: well, they don't cut the wings off.  they just cut them shorter so they can't fly away.

marz: yeah that's mean. just put it in a cage.
me: but what if you take it out of the cage to pet it and it flies away.

marz: well then i'd just let it go. it would come back when it wants.
me: what if it doesn't?

marz: that's ok. [pause] i want a bird that talks.
me: you mean margalo? [they had just watched stuart little 2]

marz: no. like a real bird that can talk.
me: oh. a parrot?
marz: yeah, a parrot.

1 comment:

rubyslipperz1052 said...

Marlie's PoPo has one of those talking birds =D