
happy dance

it's either feast or famine around here.  when it's raining, it's pouring.  when it's not raining, it's super sunny and smooth.  it definitely makes for an adventurous roller coaster ride.

we just found out what our address will be when we get to AL!!  the date is yet to be determined, but a miracle was sent our way and the house i fell in love with is the one we get to live in!  of course, we can't own it, but that's ok.  the owners moved out to CA a few months ago and were willing to drive to us to negotiate terms.  they'll hold it for us til we get there!  hooray!!!

here are some pics:


BerginMania said...

WOWZA!!! Great house! Congratulations!

emily said...

I'd say just a little bit of an upgrade from your current place. :)

Sunshine said...

It's beautiful. I hope you guys love it!!!

Allyson said...

I'm SO coming to BAMA!



belliesue said...

Nice pad!