
peeve control

what is up with pet peeves? and why do the little things IRK me to no end? be forewarned that if you offend easily, please do NOT continue reading. friends of mine... you know who you are. you know how i feel about you. nothing i say in this blog post will change that.

i sometimes wish i could trade in my pet peeves. in exchange for what, i have no clue. but it often seems that no matter what i got back in return, it would be better than the little itsy bitsy things that cause my blood to boil. and the funny (or not so funny maybe) thing is that i'm probably guilty of ALL the peeves that i am perturbed by from others.

first and foremost is probably words spelled wrong. why that bothers me, i couldn't tell you. but it drives me absolutely nuts! of course, you all know how much value i put on a public school education. but some of us finished college, for crying out loud! how did we ever pass a college english course without being able to spell simple words? even blogger will indicate when you have misspelled something!

slippers and pajamas to the grocery store? for real? do we really need to show everyone else the dirty, grungy edges of our flannel pants and our filthy fluffy slippers? i am a horrible housekeeper, but i have HUGE problems dealing with the dirt of others.

when did a public street become an extension of our private yard? are we just waiting for our child to get hit so that we can put the blame on someone else? seriously. if we aren't blessed with a yard, we should be utilizing a park. street and playground are NOT synonymous.

i should quit while i'm only slightly behind. why do these little, insignificant things bother me SO much? and if i really value my individuality, then why do i get SO obsessed when others don't think or act like me? wouldn't that be missing the point? oh i'm so confused.


Sunshine said...

Your post made my day. It made me laugh and smile because,
Also, my peeves have been under my skin all day w/ my kids/hubby/house and I'm beating myself over the head saying let it go, let it go. What's your problem Amber, just get over it. So your rant enabled me to do that:) I feel so much better thanks!
Also, it was a big dose of Deeanna that made me think "Oh, I miss Deeanna."

emily said...

I agree with all of those. I'm even a really bad speller, but I have a dictionary on my phone to help me out because I can't stand words being spelled wrong.

Arthroplaster said...

this is to funny! i love to bee around you. your the best!

Allyson said...

yea so what if i spell things wrong! or don't capitalize my i's! or use punctuation in the wrong spots. oh and i didn't pass english in college so i'm aloud to spell things wrong. he he he