
a much needed deadline

where would we be without deadlines? so glad we have one at the end of the month. i'm definitely looking forward to putting an end to this job search. phone calls, voicemail, email...from too many recruiters to count. our temporary stay in SD doesn't really sadden us anymore. we knew we would fall in love with it and we have. but we know that it just wouldn't suit us from a long-term career perspective.

we received an almost unbeatable offer at the beginning of august. we had taken a trip and spent great time with all the docs in the practice and were treated like royalty for 2 days. but it has just been bad timing with the fellowship beginning. they asked for a decision by sept 1 and we just couldn't do it. we were still hesitant about the location. and even though the offer itself was fabulous, we had nothing to compare it to. we hadn't had time to see anything else and really had a fear of signing with that lack of experience. we asked for a 1-month extension and it was given. now we've frantically tried to set other visits up this month to make some basis of comparison. in the meantime they are interviewing other candidates. will the offer even be available if we go back to them and want to accept? who knows. it was a risk we felt we had to take.

well, when it rains, it pours. seemed like the recruiters weren't bringing me anything to speak of for the past 6 weeks. now all of the sudden we have 3 opportunities that sound good. we now have 2 other trips scheduled and my head is spinning. thank goodness for a life-saving friend that will keep my kids for almost 2 weeks while we travel around and figure things out.

in addition to booking a million flights and other travel arrangements, we are hurriedly trying to throw info together for our lenders so the house in jersey can finally be closed on!!! of all the months for an offer to finally come through, this would not have been the one i would've picked. but i guess we'll roll with it. and on top of that, the kids started their charter school classes this month and toby is having his dental work done. it's been a challenge to try and get back into a schedule with all this new stuff happening. but we seem much happier when we're running around like maniacs.

definitely ready to finalize contracts and start planning ahead. no i'm not ready to go public with the locations we're investigating. sorry. don't worry though. it will all be revealed soon enough.


Rebecca and Nick said...

Wow! You guys sound way busy, but it seems like things are coming together. And I am glad you found someone to watch your kids. Have fun on your trips!

Sunshine said...

Deadlines are nice things. I completely agree with you. I'm really happy for you guys that things are getting settled-or will be. What a journey.


My vote is for the west coast if there is an offer somewhere over here. Anytime you need kids watched they are welcome here...don't know how you'd get them here but they are totally welcome.