
in denial

first of all, those owls were driving me berzerk! i couldn't even make myself last a full month looking at them! and i'm sure this muted tropical background will be on my nerves soon enough. i mean, what happened to the lovely bright colors of summer? did we leave those behind in the 90s? i want something reminiscent of popsicles, swimming, and tropical fish. i want to smell the sunscreen and salt in the air.

on that note, i'm not ready for fall. not ready, not ready, not ready i tell you! can you hear me stomping my feet and throwing a tantrum? it seems i'm NEVER ready. every year i wish fall wouldn't come so soon. i don't want to think of halloween costumes and thanksgiving dinner menus. and i for sure don't want to think of christmas gift lists! what's the trick to welcoming fall and the holidays? is it a preparedness issue? should i start planning the new school year in january so that i can plan halloween in june and christmas in september? is it a money issue? would i be happier if i could buy all the placemats and mantle decorations i wanted? i'm just not sure. i don't want to dread it every year. i hate all the cutesy decorations and that i'm not creative enough to come up with ones that fit my style. i hate that no adult likes wearing a costume, and therefore i can't have a HUGE halloween bash like i've always wanted. i hate that christmas has to be about gifts and toys instead of spending time together. i hate that it seems holidays can't be enjoyed unless everyone is constantly eating candy.

besides. i live in SD where summer hasn't ended yet. or has it? the weather is still the same, so i can't really tell. and i'm glad. i'm crossing my fingers it never changes so i can pretend that it's summer always.


emily said...

I saw cute glittery skull heads (silver, white and black) at all a dollar the other day. Not sure if that's your thing or not - but they were cute for being only a dollar. Maybe you don't even have all a dollar. As for the candy thing - people just love candy. I'm not really sure why myself, but I think that's the reason it's always around for holidays - it makes a good excuse to eat it. And kids always like it. I know why so I always figure, let them eat all they want for a day or so, then throw most of it away after that. Can't be too long term. :) And kids love opening presents, so although I know stuff isn't the important idea - making them happy is part of the important idea. And I'm very jealous of your weather situation - these cold mornings we've been having here this week are begining to scare me. Wow. Longest comment ever. blah.

Anonymous said...

sometimes i get a bit "bah-humbug" with the holidays because i feel kinda manipulated by all the commercial marketing. it's not the holiday itself, but rather the push all the stores have to "force" me to buy things i don't really need. There doesn't have to be LOTS of candy, or LOTS of stuff.........but, some just makes the festivities more cheery.



We both know we are opposites.. I love the fall and the holidays!:) Cooler weather here I come!!! but I agree about the focus. For Halloween we go with friends and after 2 days, leftover candy is donated to Mark's classes. As for the holidays, Thanksgiving means cleaning for company. Boo for cleaning, yeah for company. For Xmas - For my life, I found that if I did all the extra stuff I wanted to do(buying, making, baking) before Dec than I had time to be with family and focus on the 'spirit of the season.' Last year we went on a trip for our family present and it was by far the best Chrismas ever. No wrapping, no junk. Just a wonderful time and wonderful memories. PS - I'd come to a dress up Halloween party! :)