
one step up, two steps back

wow, no posts since aug 16? what's wrong with me? if i ever hope to have a full website that people actually visit and want to read, i had better be more consistent. sometimes i wonder if i will ever catch up. and what does being 'caught up' consist of anyway? housework is ongoing, as is school and MANY other things that i am technically responsible for. is being 'caught up' even attainable? perhaps i should set another goal.

at any rate, after setting up a computer completely from scratch 3 times in the last month, i sure hope that progress is being made. still using a cheesy pre-designed blog template instead of my own. still trying to get school fully running again. still trying to make headway with this job decision for next year. hmmmm...all this sounds vaguely familiar. have i not made any progress at all since last month?


emily said...

it may be a little cheesy, but i like the owls.

stacie said...

I agree. The first thing I thought when I visited your page was how cute the background was.

girlfriday said...

well, i'll take that as a compliment, considering how many websites and backgrounds i perused thru before i found one i could tolerate looking at for a month.