
getting back in the saddle

YES, i haven't blogged in forever.
YES, i have been hiding in my own little bubble.
YES, i have missed writing.

my mind is going in 23 different directions and sometimes it's hard to pick one to write about.  i really hate fasting and am not fond of visiting teaching or singing in public.  i don't understand why my dreams feel so absolutely real.  i can't seem to pick a side when it comes to politics.  there are such extreme views when it comes to this HCR bill and i just have mixed feelings.  will we find a place to live in AL?  will i get to learn to surf this summer?  should i make my children pay for their summer camps?  will an increase in salary change who we are?  could i hitch a helicopter ride to vegas instead of driving?  will my boys want to serve missions?  will we have enough time in UT to see everyone?  maybe i could skip fixing dinner next week...

my mind is reeling.  is yours yet?

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