
minds made up?

decisions, decisions, decisions. do we sell? do we lower the price? do we use a realtor? do we short sell? do we stop making our payments? do we rent? how long of a lease should we require? do we offer a rent-to-own? do we split up until the house is sold or rented? do we fly luigi out to SD for camp?

it seems that we've been trying to answer all of these questions for weeks now. and not just once, but over and over again. we make one decision, and after that doesn't pan out, the questions have to be revisited and decisions have to be made once more. it's exhausting i tell you.

in re-evaluating yet again last week, we have decided that we should not separate. we have decided we will not fly luigi out for scout camp. we have decided that we will leave on june 20th regardless of the situation with the house. i haven't a clue how these decisions are going to work from a financial standpoint. well, the truth is, they won't. but we've finally made up our minds at least. or have we?

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