
just keep swimming, just keep swimming...

it's a day at a time around here.  i expect it will be that way for the next few months.  but the countdown is on...just 12 days 'til we board the carnival liberty.  that means i have to crack down and get shore excursions planned and packing lists done.  so i'm happy to say that will keep me busy for the next 12 days (along with school and housework since our topeka is away) and provide a break from my "one-day-at-a-time" mentality.

the weather around here is at least warming up during the day.  still under 40 at night, and still can't seem to keep the house warm.  i wear my coat (i use the word loosely as i don't even own a REAL coat) and my feet sleeping bags inside; and my scarf on occasion too.  i'm sure someone might think i grew up in south america.  oh well.

and that kid that is new, but not so new anymore...still need a nickname for that one.  can't seem to come up with anything clever for him.  bluedog, southern boy, nkotb, hmmm....  at any rate, he started riding his bike to school today.  hip hip hooray!  now it's just 2 schools in the am and 2 in the pm.  hopefully we can get dash to remember the way soon and then i'll be down to 1.

i miss montgomery weather.  i miss vegas friends.  i miss caribbean water.  i miss san diego activities.  i haven't a clue where i want to live anymore.  impossible to have it all in one location.  it's beginning to seem as if one place is just as good as the next and it doesn't really matter.  'tis a puzzlement.

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