

so, i can't seem to get kevin's book out of my head. and i used it when we did family home evening this week.  i introduced the yahoos to GENSHAI.  i explained to them what it is and read some excerpts from kevin's book.  i have decided that each month i will take a new word from kevin's book and focus on it.  i will constantly remind myself of it's meaning and try to put forth effort to live it, and also be on the lookout for those around me that exemplify it.

so january's focus is on GENSHAI (GEN-shy).  the person that taught kevin this word said this:
"As children, we were taught to never look at, touch, or address another person in a way that would make them feel small.  If I were to walk by a beggar in the street and casually toss him a coin, I would not be practicing Genshai.  But if I knelt down on my knees and looked him in the eye when I placed that coin in his hand, that coin became love.  Then and only then, after I had exhibited pure, unconditional brotherly love, would I become a true practitioner of Genshai."
I have tried, each day, to keep this word on the forefront of my mind.  I believe that it has helped me to be less critical of others, and also myself.  I believe it has brought to my attention more people who are providing service around me.  I will continue to remember GENSHAI throughout the month of january (and hopefully after) and will keep you posted of my progress.

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