
stumped for answers

there are just too many questions in life.  and i'm beginning to think answers just aren't meant to be.

  • is it more important to be honest or nice?
  • do u allow a child to fail, no matter how large the failure?  or do u take away their choice?
  • do u pretend to be happy when you're not? or do u share your experiences for the benefit of others?
  • are girls required to keep toes painted even if they will be in tennis shoes?
  • do u stop being friends with someone if their standards are different than yours?
  • what would life be like if we used 50% of our brains?
  • if i don't like meat, am i still obligated to cook it for my family?
  • if u don't like someone, do u think you'll still wish they were alive after they die?
  • if u speed past someone, and they try to talk to u at the stoplight, do u roll your window down?
  • are u obligated to tell a child you like their art, even if it looks like a disaster?
  • why are presents a necessity?
  • if you're invited to dinner, and you're grossed out by what's being served, do u eat it anyway?
  • do u decorate if you're living in a rental?
  • do u tell your kids that santa and the tooth fairy aren't real if they ask?
  • should children be limited in the amount of food they get?
  • should grandmas be allowed on facebook and twitter?
  • if someone calls and u don't want to talk to them, do u feel obligated to answer?
  • if someone plays an april fool's joke on u, do u return the favor?
  • do u get offended if someone tells u your outfit doesn't match?
  • is it better to take schools loans and be done fast? or work your way through and go slower?
  • mcdonalds, burger king, wendys, or chik-fil-a?


Sunshine said...

Do you really think there should be a patent answer to most of those questions?

Anna said...

Do we really need to exchange high calorie goodies with our neighbors at Christmas time?

Jake said...

Fake it 'til you make it - but share when you don't
Toe polish is dumb
I do; it's not too much different
Yup; sorry
Sometimes - can't make fun of idjuts when they're dead
Yes - Picasso's a disaster too . . .
Why did you ask me for my birthday otherwise?
If I can stomach it, yes (I even tried a tomato aspic today)
I've never decorated anywhere
Santa, Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy are as real as the parents make them to be
Mine are all dead; yes, I liked them and miss them
Nope (although it's likely I should)
Of course, but remember: Revenge is a dish best served cold
Outfits can match? What magic is this?!?
As someone who paid his own way through school -- no grants, no loans -- the faster the better, within reason: I'd've graduated in 2007 and have a real job by now (almost guaranteed--there was still a job market then)
Chik-fil-a, all the way (but I eat and Wendy's 'cuz it's cheap)