
birthday in advance

well, i got an early birthday present. i've been wanting one for a while, and then when i saw a demo at costco i was just dying for one. i thought i could find one online later with my christmas money. but luckily someone stepped in and i don't have to!

it's absolutely amazing. the kids and i have been having tons of fun with it! we've made tortilla soup, strawberry syrup, pineapple syrup, rice flour, ice cream, smoothies, frosting, and i can't remember what else. it's so fun! it's rival is the vitamix and i think this is the better machine. but then i'm biased since this is the one i own. ;)


Arthroplaster said...

it is pretty amazing. the old blender is pretty much a paper weight now.

Rebecca and Nick said...

I love it! We used that brand when I worked at Jamba Juice, it's so nice. Someday I will have one too!