
so spoiled!!

i do try to avoid talking politics of any kind with anyone as much as possible. i have strong opinions that are RARELY approved of or agreed with by anyone. so far that fact hasn't seemed to change the opinions i have. (not sure if that's good or bad) i've just tried to accept i'm a black sheep. but because i'm grumpy and intolerant today, i thought i'd stir the pot a little.

everyone has had strong and varied opinions on the wars that are going on. and today i read this article...

people REALLY can't comprehend (including me) how spoiled we are to live in this arrogant, self-serving, materialistic country.


Crystal Roach said...

congratulations on sharing. makes interesting posts, and people dont dare contradict you on your own page. (maybe theirs)

Allyson said...

thats why we love you!